
Where to Help This Holiday Season

Once again, I am asking that friends and supporters of Ethan's Buddies Boycott the Salvation Army.
Yet I  know and understand there are needs in our communities and these needs increase during the holidays.

So I am providing you with information on where you can help during the Holidays

Luz Social Services provides outreach in health and human services, education and social and personal development for the Hispanic community.

"Everyone is welcome," Torres said. "It is a moment for families and friends to be together and to be thankful for everything we have, and to sit down and have a nice meal together."

How You Can Help-What's needed:

 Luz Social Services needs donations of 200 frozen turkeys, at least 100 frozen pumpkin and fruit pies, whipped topping, canned goods, grocery gift certificates and money to provide Thanksgiving meals for 2,000 homeless and hungry people in South Tucson.

 As of Wednesday the organization had no turkeys or other food. Donations can be dropped at Luz Social Services, 2797 N. Cerrada de Beto, which used to be 2797 N. Introspect Drive. The nonprofit can also pick up donations for the feast. For more information call 388-4574.

Thanksgiving in the Barrio

• When: 11:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Nov. 20.

• Where: El Pueblo Neighborhood Center, 101 W. Irvington Road.

• Cost: Free.

Gospel Rescue Mission Street Banquet will be hosting a Thanksgiving meal, with entertainment, and an agency fair on Wednesday November 21, 2012 at Gospel Rescue Mission 338 W. 28th Street

Gospel Rescue Mission expects to serve 3000 meals on this day and is in need of donations.

See the link to donate by sponsoring a table.


Their webpage states they currently they have enough volunteers to help with the serving of the Thanksgiving meal, but are signing up volunteers for Christmas

For ways to donate other items visit the donation section of their web page:



We Support Channel 4's Season of Hope



Ethan's Buddies is proud to support the News 4 Tucson fourth annual Kristi's Kids Season 4 Hope Drive.

Beginning October 4 and running through December 20, KVOA News 4 Tucson and our generous sponsors will be collecting new and gently-used clothes, and new toys and food for those in need in our community.  We will also be hosting a series of live drive events with Kristi Tedesco - click here for a list of dates and locations.

The Community Food Bank, Gospel Rescue Mission, and Toys for Tots will receive all donations collected during this drive.



August is Drowning Impact Awareness Month

Ethan's Buddies along with other agencies will be joining Safe Kids Tucson as we kick off August as Drowning Impact Awareness Month. click on "INVITATION" below to download pdf

One more time for the record I, Cheyenne Arreola am not in litigation with the Salvation Army and am not party to any litigation with or against the Salvation Army.  I am my own person and speak only for myself. No one controls me or what I say. I am exercising my freedom of speech under the first amendment in hopes that sharing will prevent a similar tragedy from happening to another family. 

Please know who is watching your children and when they are around water please make sure you (or the people watching your child) are practising the ABC's of water safety.


Dum anima est, spes est.

The above latin quote was shared by a close friend within days of Ethan's near drowning.


Translated, it means:  As long as there is life, there is hope.


Ethan is my grandson and I haven't given up hope, I continue to believe in his recovery. I stand on faith.

Become one of Ethan's Buddies


Your generous donations help ensure Ethan will receive the treatments and therapies he needs. Treatments such as Hyperbaric Oxygen or HBOT are not covered by insurance, increasing the financial burden of caring for a special needs child.

Any amount you donate is greatly appreciated. Ethan would like you to offically become one of his buddies, and request an Ethan's Buddies wristband.  


All I ask is on Ethan's behalf you help spread the word about water safety and commit to always swim with a buddy and follow all water safety rules. 

Click here to learn more about Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment

Grandma's Red Kettle Campaign for Ethan

Hi Friends and Family,

It’s holiday time again, and again I am facing another Christmas, mourning the Ethan that used to be. Now I’m not saying that I’m not thankful for his life, or that I don’t continue to pray for his continued recovery.

I’m just saying that this time of year is very hard for me, and here it is coming up on the third Christmas since Ethan was injured while in the care of the Salvation Army, and still NO PUBLIC ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OR APOLOGY.

So here we are at another year of modified traditions and dreams for our little boy and the Salvation Army is still out there promoting their slogan: “Doing the Most Good”   

I've come to the realization that this pain is exacerbated because it has been over three years since the incident and the Salvation Army has yet to step forward and publicly acknowledge their carelessness in caring for a little boy who went swimming trusting the adult in charge to watch out for him.

So rather than donate to the Salvation Army, I am launching my version of the Salvation Army's red kettle campaign.  

Here are the cards I’m using this year, feel free to print and distribute in lieu of a donation in every red kettle you see this holiday season.